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People sitting on green grass with picnic rugs and bean bags watching The Santa Clause movie

As another year comes to a close, families and friends gather to celebrate - and Development Victoria has brought together three of our communities over the past fortnight for some fun and festivities.

We have hosted a family fun day at our Taylors Quarter development, delivered another successful moonlight cinema at Riverwalk Werribee and provided a breakfast to residents living at Alfie Altona North.

This is part of our commitment to creating places for people – places where people can live, work, play and relax. Our places aim to create more connected, happier and healthier communities and these events helped to bring people together, to meet their neighbours and form friendships and make the most of their local spaces.

Hundreds of residents gathered at Riverwalk Village Park as we hosted our popular Moonlight Cinema. As the sun began to set on Saturday 3 December, residents settled in to enjoy two movies, The Polar Express and The Santa Clause.

At our Taylors Quarter development, we celebrated the recent opening of Messara Park - the `jewel in the crown’ of the project - with a free `Sunday Funday’ event for the community.

It was an opportunity for residents to enjoy an afternoon of food, fun and entertainment at this fantastic new community meeting space.

Taylors Quarter was a finalist in the recent UDIA Victoria 2022 Awards for Excellence.

At our Alfie development in Altona North, we hosted the first resident event of the series - a `Meet Your Neighbours’ brunch.

Held at Alfie’s Central Park, it gave residents a chance to meet their neighbours while enjoying a pleasant Sunday morning snack.

We look forward to hosting more resident events at Alfie in 2023 and beyond.

These events are all part of our goal to create vibrant places across Victoria as we know being part of a community can have a positive impact on people’s overall wellbeing.

People playing a game where you place a ball into a plastic clown mouth
People sitting on green grass with picnic rugs and bean bags still daylight watching a movie
Kids playing soccer in a sunny green park area

Updated on 15 May 2024