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The Development Plan for the former Fitzroy Gasworks site has been formerly approved by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, with Development Victoria now one step closer to rejuvenating the iconic urban site.

Along with approval of this Development Plan, works to remediate the site have also been completed.

Fitzroy Gasworks is a multi-government led project and is set to be transformed into a new precinct, with a range of affordable and sustainable homes, a new sports centre that will complement the new Wurun Senior Campus, and public spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Remediation was managed by the Department of Treasury and Finance, who appointed Melbourne-based Enviropacific to safely deliver the works under the supervision of an independent Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) accredited environmental auditor.

The environmental auditor is now finalising the audit to certify that the site is suitable for the next phase of this exciting development.

“We worked closely with the community over a number of years to help create a shared vision for the site and to prepare the Development Plan which was submitted for consideration in late 2021,” Niall Cunningham, Acting Group Head of Precincts at Development Victoria said.

The approved Development Plan outlines the planning controls, policy objectives and outcomes that will guide the design and construction of the site. This includes approximately 1,200 apartments, 20 per cent of which will be Affordable Housing, approximately 8.7per cent of the site to be offered as public open space, two bicycle spaces per dwelling, the Valve House retention and enhancement and much more.

This is a key milestone for the project which already includes the new Wurun Senior Campus and the start of works for the multi-purpose vertical sports centre

There is also a strong focus on delivering sustainability initiatives that aim to address water management, solar access and energy saving. The site has already achieved the 6 Star Green Star Communities rating and Development Victoria has committed to retaining this certification throughout the development of the precinct.

“The Development Plan approval is a major milestone for the project which was truly developed in partnership with the community. We look forward to transforming Fitzroy Gasworks for everyone to enjoy,” Mr Cunningham said.

You can read the full Development Plan here and find out more about the Fitzroy Gasworks project here.

Updated on 15 May 2024