Development Victoria is delighted our efforts to make Victoria greener has been recognised nationally.
For the second year in a row Development Victoria, the Victorian Government’s property developer and major projects agency, has been certified as a Carbon Neutral Organisation under the Australian Climate Active scheme.
The carbon neutral status – which applies to Development Victoria’s operations – is contributing to meeting the goals of the Victorian Government’s Climate Change Act 2017 which sets a target of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions for the state by 2050.
Development Victoria’s Chief Executive Officer Angela Skandarajah said the ongoing certification by Climate Active is another milestone in the organisation’s quest to become a leader in reducing carbon emissions.
“We have a strong and clear commitment to creating a sustainable future for all Victorians. Achieving certification as a Carbon Neutral Organisation is one way in which Development Victoria is working toward a more sustainable future,” Ms Skandarajah said.
Carbon Neutral certification provides our employees, partners, clients, and communities with confidence in Development Victoria’s commitment to sustainability.
The process of certifying with Climate Active has provided data that allows Development Victoria to change practices and behaviours to reduce our carbon footprint.
Carbon offsets have been purchased from local and international projects – including the Wollert Landfill Gas project on Melbourne’s northern fringe.
“As an organisation, we wanted our offsets to have multiple benefits, including outcomes relating to biodiversity enhancement such as the Mount Sandy Biodiverse Conservation project in South Australia,” says Development Victoria’s Sustainability Director Clare Parry.
“Added benefits include engagement with traditional owners, helping to create jobs while supporting local biodiversity outcomes.”
Ms Skandarajah said Development Victoria has set ambitious targets around our Carbon Neutral by 2030 commitment and have introduced a range of initiatives across the business to achieve this goal.
“We remain committed to reducing our emissions related to our operations, as well as investing in new approaches to deliver our projects in a Carbon Neutral manner.
“We continue to explore every opportunity available to use to influence sector transformation as we implement our broader sustainability strategy,” Ms Skandarajah said.
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View allUpdated on 13 May 2024