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Key details

Elgin Boulevard and Church Street, Wodonga

Policy objective
Urban renewal

Project partners
City of Wodonga
Birchmore Group

Junction Place is one of regional Australia’s largest urban renewal initiatives, bringing new life to the former historic railway station and railyards in central Wodonga.

The project will double the size of Wodonga’s CBD, delivering quality community spaces, and a mix of retail, entertainment, commercial and residential developments.

The vision for Junction Place is to create a new heart in central Wodonga, while delivering jobs and boosting economic growth through the delivery of a precinct that hosts entertainment, restaurants, cafes and public open spaces.

Community Reference Group

We have established a community reference group. The role of the group is to act as a conduit between project partners and the community to ensure transparency and communication with the community is maintained throughout the project.

To find out what’s next with the project, check out the next steps.

10ha project space

$30m government investment

5 precincts

Progress to date

Following extensive community and stakeholder consultation, a Precinct Framework Plan was developed in 2012 to deliver a new heart for central Wodonga featuring retail, dining, residential, entertainment, public open space and commercial development.

To kick-start the project, we worked with the City of Wodonga to deliver early infrastructure and in 2015 and 2016, we made great progress on a range of community spaces at Junction Place, including the Promenade and Junction Square which the community continues to enjoy.

Junction Place projects delivered to date include:

  • Restoration of the historic goods sheds and station buildings;
  • Roads and infrastructure including upgrades to High Street, development of Aurora Way and the realignment of Elgin Boulevard
  • Public spaces such as the Promenade, Junction Square, Richardson Park and Sidings Park;
  • The Woolworths supermarket precinct;

In 2016, a Development Agreement was entered into with a private developer to deliver the next phase of Junction Place. As a result of Council and community feedback in 2021, this phase did not proceed and the developer is now no longer a project partner.

Development Victoria is now committed to working with key stakeholders, including Council, the community and industry, to deliver the next phase of Junction Place.

Following an extensive tender process, Birchmore Group has been appointed to develop sites 1,3, 4 and 5 at Junction Place. Development Victoria is continuing to work through the appointment process with the preferred parties for site 2.

Indigenous history

Albury Wodonga was previously known as Bungambrawatha, or homeland, by the Wiradjuri people, the name of the region was later changed to Albury in 1838. Wodonga, meaning bulrushes, retained its indigenous name.

The Murray River is central to life for those who call the Albury Wodonga region home. The Wiradjuri people were frequently joined by many other hunting groups who would travel hundreds of kilometres to gather together near the river.

Today, meeting at Albury Wodonga remains an important tradition.


  • North East Rail revitalisation project commenced
  • New Wodonga train station opened 

  • Vision and master planning for Junction Place, planning scheme amendment, site remediation and refurbishment of heritage buildings 


  • Delivery of community open spaces: Junction Square and the Promenade 
  • Development Agreement signed for a $250 million mixed-used precinct


  • Delivery of early works 
  • Planning permit received for $70 million cinema and entertainment complex 

  • Richardson Park officially opened

  • Sidings Park (adjacent to the Good Shed) is completed, honouring the site’s rail history 

  • Revisions to the original master plan 
  • Council rejects revised master plan

  • Development Victoria commences project review to consider  next steps for Junction Place development 


Who to contact about this project?

General information and media enquiries

Development Victoria

Customer service
Ph: 131 852

03 8317 3700

General information

City of Wodonga
Ph: 02 6022 9300 or after hours 02 6022 9300

104 Hovell Street, Wodonga, VIC 3690

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Next steps

We are committed to a good outcome for Junction Place that will generate jobs, economic development and activate the former historic railway station and railyards.

We will work with project stakeholders to deliver the best outcomes for the Wodonga community.

Project Delivery

Junction Place is a Victorian Government initiative to deliver jobs and economic growth to Wodonga through the activation of the former historic railway station and railyards.

We balance community needs with commercial discipline – and our experience shows that sustainable, liveable places deliver the best long-term return for all.

To do this we will partner with industry, local government and communities.

Industry engagement

The next phase of Junction Place will be delivered in partnership with the private sector to ensure its success.

We will be engaging widely with regional, state and national property developers to determine interest in delivering part or all of the precinct.

We will also use the key elements of project that were supported by the community, to deliver the next phase, including:

  • Residential
  • Retail
  • Commercial/office
  • Hotel and exhibition
  • Market space
  • Entertainment precinct and cinema.
Project Funding

The first stage of the project was funded by Government, which delivered a range of community spaces and infrastructure projects, in conjunction with the City of Wodonga. These included:

  • Restoration of the historic Goods Shed and Station Buildings
  • Roads and infrastructure including upgrades to High Street, development of Aurora Way and the realignment of Elgin Boulevard
  • Construction of The Promenade, Junction Square, Richardson Park and Sidings Park.

The next phase of development will be delivered in partnership with the private sector, which will require investment in Junction Place. A mix of commercial, retail and residential developments will be considered alongside community uses.

Project partners

We are the landowner and have responsibility for developing the enabling infrastructure and commercial delivery models to attract private sector investment to the project. 

Our role includes creating a delivering model to see the precinct vision delivered, and working with Council, the community and future developers to the project. To do this, Development Victoria manages all commercial processes in relation to future development, including undertaking expressions of interests, and executing and managing the development agreement.

Our role is to also work closely with Council, the community and stakeholders to ensure they are kept updated on the project. 

The City of Wodonga provides the planning framework that gives certainty to developers on what they can and can’t build. Their role includes:

  • Advisory partner in the lead up to developer selection
  • Approval of planning permits
  • Ensuring planning permit conditions have been met at the end of construction
  • Ensuring appropriate community consultation occurs and stakeholders are kept informed of progress

Each municipality in Victoria is covered by a planning scheme that regulates the use, development, and protection of the land. 

Planning schemes set out the planning rules developed by Council which includes - the state and local policies, zones, overlays and provisions about specific land uses that inform planning decisions.  

We have developed a Memorandum of Understanding with Council on how we will work together to deliver the project. 

One or more developers may be chosen for the project. Once chosen, the developer/s will have responsibility for developing either all or part of the Junction Place precinct.  This includes:

  • Building design
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Transport connections
  • Landscapes and street scapes.

The developer’s plans will need to meet the requirements in Council’s planning scheme and will need to be submitted to Council for approval.

The developer will need to consult with the community on their plans for the precinct in advance of planning applications.

The project will continue to build upon the Precinct Framework the community developed in 2012 and will provide opportunities for community feedback into the project.  The community’s role includes:

  • Representation on Community Reference Group
  • Participation in community consultation activities
  • Information sharing during project phases

Community Reference Group

Development Victoria has established a Community Reference Group (CRG) for Junction Place. The following members of the Wodonga community have been appointed to the CRG for two years:

  • Bobbi Mckibbon
  • Farrah Reid
  • Rachel Habgood
  • Michelle Hudson
  • Jye McBurnie
  • Elliot Child
  • Julie Rose Starr
  • Susan Benedykahas been appointed Independent Chair.

The CRG meets regularly with the meeting scheduled determined by Development Victoria and the CRG. read the meeting minutes in the Resources section.

To contact the Community Reference Group email

About the Community Reference Group

The role of the CRG is to provide a conduit between Junction Place project partners and the community to ensure:

  • there is transparency with the community on how the project is being progressed.
  • project communication with the community is maintained as the project moves through developer procurement, planning and delivery stages.
  • there is a forum for all project partners to meet and discuss issues with the community.

  • Provide the community with an opportunity to be involved during developer procurement RFP design, design, and delivery of the Junction Place Precinct.
  • Enable opportunities for two-way conversations between the community, Wodonga Council, Development Victoria and the successful developer(s).
  • Create better visibility of the project within the local community.
  • Ensure the community has up-to-date and accurate information about the progress of the project, precinct design and delivery time frames.
  • Identify risks and concerns regarding the project and seek to provide clarity and resolve them where possible.
  • Provide a forum for shared learning and continuous improvement.

Susan Benedyka has been appointed the Independent Chair of the CRG.

The Independent Chair will need to form specific duties to ensure the CRGs governance is adhered to and meetings are conducted in line with the groups Terms of Reference. In order to be considered for the role of the Independent Chair you will need to demonstrate that you have the required attributes that are outlined in the Independent Chair Position Description.

Community engagement

We understand the community is keen to have input into the future of Junction Place and we are committed to delivering this.

We are currently running the process to find a suitable developer/developers to deliver the next phase of Junction Place which may include housing, retail and commercial spaces and an entertainment precinct, including a cinema.

We are committed to keeping the community informed on project progress through, subscriber updates, drop-in information sessions, Council communication channels and local media.

Past Engagement

Extensive community consultation was undertaken to inform the 2012 Junction Place Framework Plan and at periods during the restoration for the train station and goods shed and construction of Junction Square.

Sites 1, 3, 4 and 5

Birchmore Group will deliver a combination of mixed use and residential developments, contributing to the transformation of central Wodonga into a vibrant entertainment and community precinct.  The following developments will occur on the four sites: 

Site 1: A hotel/serviced apartments with retail and active uses toward high street

Site 3: A medium density residential project 

Site 4: mixed use precinct consisting of a mixture of apartments, townhouses and retail  fronting Elgin Boulevard and Richardsons Park 

Site 5: A medium density residential development including a communal park to add to the community amenity. 

Birchmore Group will now progress technical detailed design for each site, which will be submitted to Council for relevant planning approvals.

Sites Developer

Birchmore Group is a diversified property development company with an extensive development pipeline across Victoria and New South Wales.  The company specialises in quality, master planned communities, apartments, townhouses and retail (shopping centres).

Birchmore Group will be responsible for the redevelopment of sites 1,3, 4 and 5 including the day-to-day management of the project, coordinating relevant stakeholders, community engagement, obtaining planning approvals and managing the construction of each stage.

Site 2

Development Victoria is continuing to work through the appointment process with the preferred parties for site 2, with announcements expected in mid 2025.

Updated on 04 February 2025