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Corio, City of Greater Geelong
Wadawurrung Country
Project Partners 

Hockey Geelong

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The Stead Park hockey facilities are receiving an upgrade as part of the Victorian Government’s Regional Sports Infrastructure Program. Upgrades to the Park include an upgraded pitch, new pavilion and more seating.

The revamped hockey facility will feature a brand-new pavilion that will replace the old one, positioned between the two pitches for easy access.

The pavilion’s ground floor will include four change rooms, rooms for match officials, a canteen, equipment storage, team storage, and a first aid area. The second level features a social space, meeting room, and kitchen, with a terrace providing seating that overlooks both pitches.

The western pitch will be redeveloped, with additional features including new fencing, improved drainage, an electronic scoreboard, and upgraded sports lighting, ensuring the venue is ready to host a range of events, including national-level hockey, providing great outcomes for user groups.

The upgrades will also include additional parking, including accessible parking along a new access road.

During the project’s delivery, local businesses will be encouraged to get involved, creating more employment opportunities and supporting the local community. This redevelopment will also allow for more community and high-performance sport pathways in the Geelong region.

Updated on 21 November 2024