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Community consultation on the future development of the former Highett Gasworks site is now open as a first step to creating a Development Plan for the site.
Development Victoria is asking the community for their views on six key themes that will help shape the Development Plan. The plan will provide clarity around future uses and development that can be expected on the site.
There are a range of options available for feedback – including online information sessions and online survey. A dedicated telephone line and email address have also been established for those who cannot access the online survey.
Development Victoria’s Group Head Property, Mr Manny Bikakis encouraged the Highett community to get involved to help shape the future of the project.
“We are committed to working closely with the community to ensure any future development at Highett Gasworks achieves a balance of environmental, social, cultural and economic outcomes,” he said.

Our goal is for the former Highett Gasworks to become home to a diverse community with well-designed spaces that benefit current and future residents.

Adhering with the Victorian Government’s current public gathering restrictions, Development Victoria will undertake this community engagement phase online.
The feedback collected will be used to prepare a preferred Development Plan. In late 2020 Development Victoria will undertake a second round of community engagement intended to seek feedback on the preferred Development Plan.
This phase of community engagement closes on Friday 18 September 2020.
Development Victoria is responsible for undertaking urban renewal, property development and major projects on behalf of the Victorian Government.
Have your say by visiting to take our survey or calling the project team on 03 9021 0601.  

Pictured: Artist impression

Updated on 14 May 2024