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Development Victoria has released a webinar and fact sheet detailing the options considered for the proposed wetland at the Knoxfield development site.

The proposed wetland will protect and enhance the natural habitat, including the endangered Blue-billed Duck, deliver an effective stormwater management solution to reduce the risk of flooding, be integrated into the overall development and safely accessible for the community where environmentally appropriate. 

Development Victoria obtained advice from expert ecologists and hydrologists to review the man-made dam and asked them to consider community safety, the ecological and environmental contribution of the dam, and other functional attributes required by the development when providing their expert opinion.

 “During the early planning process, we considered a range of options for the existing man-made dam on the site,” Manny Bikakis, Acting Group Head Property at Development Victoria said. 

We took into consideration its history, environmental values, functional attributes as well as the safety issues identified with the dam in its current state.

“Our technical experts reviewed several options for the site which included retaining the existing man-made dam. Their advice concluded there were high risks involved in keeping the man-made dam, including flooding, safety and the impact on existing flora and fauna,” Mr Bikakis said.

“We believe, based on the expert advice and evidence, our wetland proposal is the best outcome for the environment, stormwater management and the community.” 

View the webinar below and read the fact sheet outlining the wetland proposal options here.

The Knoxfield development is expected to commence construction in 2021 with construction of the wetland to be staged to allow for flora and fauna to migrate from the existing man-made dam to the new wetland habitat.

Updated on 13 May 2024