Development Victoria is proud to launch our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
Recognising our responsibility as a landowner, developer, and agency of the State Government of Victoria, we can play a central role in the reconciliation process with Traditional Owners and First Peoples in Victoria.
Our initial Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, launched in 2021, helped us advance reconciliation by starting to build relationships with Traditional Owner groups, developing our team's capability to respectfully engage with First Peoples communities, and improving internal processes. Yet, there's more for us to do.
The newly launched Innovate RAP captures our vision to have trusted partnerships with First Peoples that guide the creation of places and communities while reflecting the values, cultures and aspirations of Victorian Traditional Owners.
Through a combination of mandatory and tailored initiatives, we’re committed to realising this vision. Key areas of focus include enhancing the cultural safety of the organisation to attract and retain more First Peoples team members across all levels. Aiming to create an environment where diversity thrives, we’re committed to continuously elevating the capability of our team. This involves deep listening, understanding, collaboration, and celebration of First Peoples ways of knowing, being and doing.
Moreover, the RAP emphasises supporting First Peoples employment and business growth. Development Victoria commits to increasing our direct and indirect procurement from Aboriginal-owned businesses, in recognition that greater economic participation and wealth creation for First Peoples is integral to better social and well-being outcomes.
Learn more and access the Innovate RAP on the Reconciliation Action Plan page.
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View allUpdated on 14 May 2024