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Key details

433 Smith Street, Fitzroy
Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country

Policy objective
Create an urban village that includes new housing, community facilities, and open space.


Fitzroy Gasworks will be a new neighbourhood with the works – diverse and affordable homes close to public transport, a senior high school, open space, multi-use sports centre and commercial spaces.

We’re transforming the site of the former Fitzroy Gasworks into a thriving new precinct, with a range of affordable and sustainable homes, leading sports and education facilities, and public spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Development Victoria recognises the shortage of affordable housing across the State and is committed to increasing diverse housing supply.

This includes delivering approximately 1,200 much needed homes, including 20% affordable at the iconic Fitzroy Gasworks Site in inner Melbourne, close to jobs, transport and services.

Fitzroy Gasworks will set a new benchmark for urban renewal and affordable and sustainable living in one of Melbourne’s most historic and established suburbs.

Local jobs are also being put first with the $54.5 million Bundha Sports Centre, which is being delivered by a range of local and First Nations businesses and suppliers. Find out more.

Queens Parade service lane upgrade works

We are managing the delivery of upgrading the southern Queens Parade service lane between Smith Street and George Street, on behalf of the Department of Transport and Planning.

These works will improve safety, accessibility and connectivity for cyclists, pedestrians, public transport users and vehicles. Find out more.

Please note, these works have been delayed.

New car park on Alexandra Parade to support Bundha Sports Centre

On 14 May 2024, Yarra City Council voted to proceed with the proposal for a new car park within the Alexandra Parade median strip between Smith Street and George Street to support the projected increase of visitors to Bundha Sports Centre.

The car park will provide approximately 79 car spaces and help alleviate parking congestion on local streets and improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists accessing the sports centre.

Development Victoria will deliver the car park with construction partner, Built Environs.

The construction of the car park will include the removal of several trees due to poor health and risks to public safety. Several trees also require removal to facilitate the car park construction works. A total of nine trees are required to be removed.

The planning permit to construct the car park was endorsed by Yarra City Council on 22 May.

Development Victoria is now working to obtain final authority approvals from Department of Transport and Planning and Melbourne Water.

Works are expected to start in mid 2025, subject to approvals.

See our frequently asked questions (FAQs) in the tab above.


  • Community engagement – vision 
  • Community reference group formed 
  • Start of remediation  
  • Rezoning 
  • Community engagement – Victorian School Building Authority  
October 2019
  • Community engagement – collaborative design
November 2021
  • Development plan exhibition
January 2022
  • School complete and open for students
February 2022
  • Development plan submission
March 2022
  • Precincts B and C Registration of Interest 
Mid 2022
  • Precincts B and C expressions of interest 
  • Remediation complete 
  • Fitzroy sports centre construction commences  
  • Development Plan approved
Late 2022
  • Community Reference Group meeting

  • Parcel B and C request for proposal (subject to change)
  • Community Reference Group meetings

  • Bundha Sports Centre due for complete

3.9ha project area

20% affordable housing

1,200 new apartments

8.7% public open space

Development plan

The Development Plan for Fitzroy Gasworks was approved in September 2022. The development plan is based on detailed planning work and valuable input from the community. It ensures any future development complies with the vision for the site, once approved. This provides certainty about the nature of the proposed use and development to the community, stakeholders and the Minister for Planning, including building heights and open space requirements.

The community has actively shaped the Development Plan for the site through ongoing consultation and a Community Reference Group in place since 2017. The Plan provides certainty around the future use of the site, including the delivery of affordable housing.

Read the development plan in full here.

Key outcomes

Fitzroy Gasworks will be a new neighbourhood with the works:

  • 1,200 apartments at different price points, to own or rent
  • A 650-student senior high school - now open
  • A new multi-use sports centre
  • Underground car parking and aboveground bicycle parking
  • Flexible spaces at ground level, to accommodate Disability Accommodation (SDA), and commercial, office and community uses
  • 8.7% of the site as public open space, with additional communal open space within the residential developments
  • Retention of the Valve House and relocation and restoration of the Porter Iron Store approved by Heritage Victoria (Porter Store relocation now complete)
  • New accessible tram stop on Smith Street and pedestrian crossing on Queens Parade to make it easier and safer to access the precinct


The rejuvenation of the former Fitzroy Gasworks will transform an iconic urban site into an integrated, sustainable and thriving urban village.

Fitzroy Gasworks is a whole-of-government approach to urban renewal, delivered by Development Victoria in partnership with the public and private sector.

The vision for the project has been shaped by extensive consultation, to reflect the heritage of the site and the needs of the community.


We are pleased to announce that the Fitzroy Gasworks Site Remediation is complete. The independent EPA Environmental Auditor is now finalising the audit to certify that the site is suitable for the next phase of this exciting development.

The removal of contaminated soil was required to deliver a cleaner, safer environment for the people of Fitzroy North and future users of the proposed site. The Department of Treasury and Finance appointed Enviropacific to manage remediation of the contaminated Fitzroy Gasworks land.

Remedial works commenced in June 2018 and were delivered over three phases. These included the development of a strategy, site investigation, on site remediation works and additional works scope. For more details on the delivery of remediation works visit the Enviropacific website.


The site is bordered by Smith Street, Alexandra Parade and Queens Parade, and has an area of 3.9ha.

It's surrounded by the suburbs of Fitzroy, Clifton Hill, and Collingwood.

Development Victoria acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the Traditional Custodians of the land.

Who to contact about this project

For more information about the remediation process visit: 

Or call the dedicated project number:
1800 560 822

Development Victoria

Customer service
Ph: 131 852

Ph: 03 8317 3700

City of Yarra

Ph: 03 9658 9658
After hours: 03 96589774

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Upcoming Queens Parade service lane upgrade works

Development Victoria is managing the delivery of upgrading the southern Queens Parade service lane between Smith Street and George Street, on behalf of the Department of Transport and Planning.

These works will improve safety, accessibility and connectivity for cyclists, pedestrians, public transport users and vehicles.

The works will be managed by Development Victoria and delivered by Built Environs, who is currently delivering the construction of the Fitzroy Gasworks Sports Centre.

Please note these works have been delayed. Development Victoria and the Department of Transport and Planning are currently reviewing the scope of these works.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at or contact 1800 560 822.

Authority works: September 2023 to late 2024

Development Victoria is managing the delivery of upgrading underground assets on behalf of Greater Western Water and Citipower.

The works are being managed by Development Victoria and delivered by Built Environs, Enviropacific and sub-contractor, Ansina.

Works to upgrade the Greater Western Water water main are functionally complete, with minor finishing works due to be finished in late 2024, subject to change.

Bundha Sports Centre construction: 2022 to 2024

Development Victoria is managing the build of the Bundha Sports Centre, a multi-purpose indoor sports centre, adjacent to Wurun Senior Campus.

Built Environs is our construction partner and has been busy on site since late 2022, with construction works expected to generate approximately 150 jobs.

Find out more under Key projects.

Development Plan

The Development Plan for Fitzroy Gasworks was approved in September 2022.

The approved Development Plan outlines the planning controls, policy objectives and outcomes that will guide the design and construction of the site. This includes approximately 1,200 apartments, 20% of which will be Affordable Housing, approximately 8.7% of the site to be offered as public open space, two bicycle spaces per dwelling, the Valve House retention and enhancement and much more.

Fitzroy Gasworks Development Plan

Key elements of the plan

  • buildings to reflect the local character in terms of built form, materiality and uses.
  • a central community heart linking together diverse public spaces with places to play.
  • maximise urban greening by introducing trees, ground cover, vertical and roof top vegetation.
  • create ground floor uses that showcase a variety of activities and provide activation.
  • the plan has achieved a 6-star green star communities rating through the Green Building Council of Australia with a focus on initiatives that:

    • maximise potential for energy generation on site, with solar panels to most rooftops
    • maximise thermal performance of buildings for lower living costs over time
    • minimise waste produced on site, with consolidated collection points.
  • approximately 8.7% per cent of the site to be offered as public open space, with additional communal open space associated with residential development.
  • a community garden with 220m2 of agricultural space for the residential community to access.
  • delivery of 20% affordable housing. 
  • a mix of one, two and three-bedroom homes.
  • a priority on housing that is affordable to rent.
  • encourage a variety in building heights up to 10 storeys.
  • flexible spaces that may include retail, hospitality, office and coworking spaces, affordable workspaces for creative industries, galleries, grocery stores and gyms.
  • restoration of the heritage listed valve house.
  • pedestrian-priority neighbourhood with consolidated parking and minimal reliance on private cars.
  • high-quality pedestrian and tram links that integrated with the surrounding community.
  • a high-quality street at the heart of the precinct for bicycles, pedestrians and vehicle pick up and drop off.
  • create high-quality pedestrian and tram links that integrated with the surrounding community.
  • create a high-quality street at the heart of the precinct for bicycles, pedestrians and vehicular pick up and drop off.

Parcels B & C

Joint Venture group Inner North Collective (INC JV) has been selected as the development partner for Parcels B & C which make up approximately 70% of the planned homes across the precinct.

Parcels B & C will feature a mix of approximately 820 high-quality, sustainable social and affordable, build-to-rent and at market homes, as well as homes to purchase, of varying sizes to accommodate the diverse housing needs of the inner-north community.INC JV brings together leading development and construction firms with extensive experience in delivering diverse housing projects in Melbourne's inner north and similar inner-city locations.

Assemble Communities will deliver around 400 build-to-rent homes in Parcel B, of which approximately 160 will be operated by Housing Choices Australia. Milieu will deliver around 420 homes on Parcel C, with some homes delivered in partnership with Nightingale, including specialist disability accommodation.

Development Victoria, is delivering the project in partnership with the public and private sector.

Bundha Sports Centre

111 Queens Parade, Fitzroy

Artist impression of completed sports Centre with sign Bundha Sports Centre. Includes multilevel white building, with pathway and landscaping and people out the front.

The construction of the Bundha Sports Centre (formerly Fitzroy Gasworks Sports Centre) is now complete.

Constructed by Built Environs and designed by CO.OP studio, the multi-purpose indoor sports centre, adjacent to Wurun Senior Campus, is a key element of the Victorian Government’s vision for the Fitzroy Gasworks precinct.

The $54.5 million project is a partnership between the Victorian Government who has contributed $49.5 million, and City of Yarra who has contributed $5 million.

The vertically designed sports centre provides much-needed sport facilities to Melbourne's inner north. Local jobs are being put first, with a range of local and First Nations businesses and suppliers delivering the project. Find out more.

The centre comprises of four courts for competition-level basketball, netball, and volleyball; a multi-purpose court for futsal; a gymnasium; café and lounge area; community facilities; all gender change rooms; a foyer and reception area.

Its integration with Wurun Senior Campus’ two courts enables shared use of the courts to create a seven-court facility outside of school hours.

The Bundha Sports Centre was gifted its official name by Aunty Gail Smith and supported by Aunty Di Kerr, Aunty Julieanne Axford and the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation (WWCHAC).

The name ‘Bundha’ means: ‘unity’ and was chosen to reflect how this innovative multi-purpose venue will unite the local community by supporting sports clubs and encouraging more people to get active.

Now that construction is complete, landscaping works will continue, including the installation of public art.

The Victorian Government is seeking to appoint a venue operator. While that process is continuing, Collingwood Basketball Association (CBA) and the City of Yarra Futsal Network will have limited access to the sports centre courts until April 2025.

This will allow this these local associations, who have been struggling to cater for growing numbers, access to the extra courts they desperately need.

It will also help build on CBA’s existing agreement with the adjacent Wurun Senior Campus.

Once a long-term operator is appointed, a separate Expression of Interest (EOI) process will be conducted to enable other local sports to also secure access to the facility.

The selection process for an operator of the venue is expected to be complete in 2025.

Bundha Sports Centre mural

The inspiring mural on the side of the Bundha Sports Centre was designed by proud Wurundjeri man, Alex Kerr and painted by Melbourne-based artists Jack Rowland and Yuria Okamura.

CO.OP Studio, as the designer of the Bundha Sports Centre, assisted in bringing the mural to life. Development Victoria has also worked in collaboration with the Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation to identify engagement opportunities for the site and to co-design the precinct’s public realm.

The mural weaves through themes of Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country in the background, to represent the lands we are on. It includes Bunjil the Wedge-tailed Eagle, the Creator Being of the Wurundjeri people, and Waa the Raven, the protector. Bunjil and Waa ensure the safety of those in the mural, but they also look after all peoples living and chasing their dreams on Wurundjeri Country.

Alongside these elements, the mural celebrates First Peoples community sporting heroes. Their images provide inspiration to the younger generation coming through, to give them the courage to chase their dreams, no matter the hurdles they face. The mural features images of:

  • The late Uncle Kevin Coombs – Wheelchair basketball player and Australia's first Indigenous Paralympian
  • Elvis Carter – Grid Iron player
  • Courtney Ugle – WAFL Footballer and founder of ‘Waangkiny’, a social enterprise that aims to transform adversity into influence through the power of storytelling
  • John Secombe – Wheelchair Football
  • Marissa Williamson Pohlman – Olympic Boxer

Bundha Sports Centre mural timelapse

Wurun Senior Campus

Wurun Senior Campus, the new senior secondary campus for Collingwood College and Fitzroy High School, is located in the Fitzroy Gasworks precinct.

Delivered by the Victorian School Building Authority, Wurun Senior Campus has capacity for 650 students and opened in Term 1 2022.

Alexandra Parade car park to service Bundha Sports Centre

In 2023, a car park was proposed to be constructed within the Alexandra Parade median strip between Smith Street and George Street to accommodate the projected increase of visitors to the Bundha Sports Centre.

The proposal included approximately 79 car spaces; and removing trees that pose a risk to public safety and are in poor condition, as well as some trees which need to be removed to allow for the car park.

A local community engagement campaign was launched in August 2023. It involved a short online survey and two pop-up sessions. A summary of the feedback received was provided to Yarra City Council for consideration.

Find out more in the Overview above.

Building a community in the heart of Fitzroy

Development Victoria has worked with Fitzroy community members to identify local priorities and aspirations, and plans to address these as part of the development.

Between 2016 and 2017, the community provided input on: school and sports facilities, social housing, open space, community art, height and density, traffic, parking, and the heritage of the site.

In October 2019, community feedback was provided for the draft Development Plan via an online survey, pop-up information sessions, and two drop-in sessions.

The project team incorporated this feedback into the development plan, which was presented back to the community ahead of the formal submission.

A Community Reference Group (CRG) was established with 18 members representing the broader community. The CRG will continue to meet on an ongoing basis during the next phase of the project.

Supporting documents used during the October 2019 engagement sessions include the project fact sheet and design boards.

Fitzroy Gasworks Community Engagement

October 2019


Fitzroy Gasworks is located on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.

The former gasworks on the site was established in 1860 and became an integral part of Melbourne’s gas infrastructure.

Gas production ceased in 1927, with the site remaining operational as a construction workshop and as a gas storage point until the 1970s. 

Heritage assets 

There is a Heritage Overlay on the former Fitzroy Gasworks Valve House, located in the south-west corner of the site.

The Valve House will be retained as a significant heritage element. Options for its re-use were considered as part of the community engagement in October 2019.

The J. H. Porter Iron Store formerly located on the Council depot site is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register as being of State significance.

The Heritage Overlay is only applicable for the asset, and not the land it sits on. A heritage permit was issued by Heritage Victoria for Development Victoria to carefully restore and relocate the J. H. Porter Iron Store to Fairfield Park. Restoration and relocation was successfully delivered in 2021.

Current works

As part of the Fitzroy Gasworks project, Development Victoria is managing the delivery of important upgrades to the Queens Parade service lane between Smith Street and George Street on behalf of the Department of Transport and Planning. These works will improve safety and greater connectivity for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and road users.  

These works form part of the broader Fitzroy Gasworks precinct works and are an important step in the process to deliver the new iconic urban village.

Please note, these works have been delayed.

The works will be managed by Development Victoria and delivered by Built Environs, who are currently delivering the construction of Bundha Sports Centre (formerly known as Fitzroy Sports Centre).

As part of these works, we’re delivering improvements to safety, accessibility and connectivity for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and road users in the area.

  • We’re creating a separated bike lane within the service lane, improving safety and connectivity for cyclists from either end of Queens Parade.
  • We will be improving accessibility, by creating an additional accessible car space.

  • Traffic impacts: As part of these works, left lane access from Smith Street onto the Queens Parade service lane will close and is not intended to reopen after works. Vehicles will still be able to turn left from Smith Street onto Queens Parade, using the main arterial road. Four car spaces on the Queens Parade service lane will also be removed.
  • Pedestrian impacts: We will be temporarily closing the footpath on southern Queens Parade, between Smith Street and George Street, with pedestrian detours in place.
  • Noise: During work hours, noise levels will be similar to current works underway on site. The contractor will do as much as possible to reduce noise impacts, however there may be occasions where you become aware of site works.
  • Dust and vibration: Some dust and vibration are expected as part of these works, and we will continue to work closely with our contractor to ensure that impacts are minimised to the community.
  • Working hours: We will only work during standard construction hours as per the Yarra City Council guidelines, which is 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and 9am to 3pm on Saturdays. 

We’re working closely with Wurun Senior Campus to keep students, staff, parents and guardians informed of impacts through regular updates directly to the Campus.  While these works occur, we’ll maintain access to the school to ensure disruption is minimised.

After we close the left lane access from Smith Street onto the Queens Parade service lane, we’ll make sure you can still use the service lane for school pick up and drop off, keeping access open from Queens Parade. 

Development Victoria is managing the delivery of upgrading underground assets on behalf of Greater Western Water and Citipower.  

The Greater Western Water assets are being upgraded as they have reached the end of their lifecycle and the Citipower assets are being relocated prior to any development on the Fitzroy Gasworks site to ensure the works can be delivered without major impacts to the local community and businesses.  

The works will be managed by Development Victoria and delivered by Built Environs, Enviropacific and a sub-contractor, Ansina. These works will commence in September 2023 and are expected to be complete by early 2024, subject to change. 

Excavation works will need to take place. Some contaminated soil may be disturbed during excavation and this may cause the release of odour which might be smelt by the local community and businesses. 

Control measurements will be implemented to minimise the odour and monitoring will take place to ensure no harm to public health. These will include covering of stockpiles and the use of suppressants to minimise any odour. 

Control measures will include covering of stockpiles and the use of suppressants to minimise any odour occurring from the works.  

  • Noise: During work hours, noise levels will remain consistent with current works underway on site. The contractor will do as much as possible to reduce noise impacts, however there may be some occasion where you may become aware of site works. 
  • Odour: Some odour is expected when carrying out the works due to harmless gases escaping the soil. Some odours may be noticeable during the works, however, these will be monitored to ensure there is no risk to public health, and control measurements will be implemented to minimise the odour.
  • Dust: Some dust is expected when carrying out the works. We continue to work closely with our contractor to ensure that proper measures are in place to minimise potential disruptions from dust.
  • Working hours: Hours of operation will remain in keeping with Yarra City Council guidelines. 

Bundha Sports Centre

The former Fitzroy Gasworks Sports centre was gifted its official name - Bundha Sports Centre - by Wurundjeri Elders, Aunty Dianne Kerr, Aunty Gail Smith and Aunty Julieanne Axford, supported by the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation (WWCHAC).

The name ‘Bundha’ means: ‘unity’ and was chosen to reflect how this innovative multi-purpose venue will unite the community by supporting local sports clubs and encourage more of the community to get active.

Funding for the Bundha Sports Centre was announced in the 2021 Victorian State Budget. The Victoria Government has committed $49.5 million to the project and there is a $5 million contribution from Yarra City Council.

Development Victoria is delivering the project working in partnership with Sport and Recreation Victoria and Yarra City Council.

Construction works commenced in late 2022 and is being constructed by Built Environs, with major construction expected to generate approximately 150 jobs.  

Bundha Sports Centre is expected to be open for use in mid-2024.

Bundha Sports Centre will provide much needed new facilities for a range of local sports clubs including the Collingwood Basketball Association who will host games and competitions in the heart of Fitzroy.

This includes:

  • Four full-size indoor multi-use sports courts for highball sports such as basketball and netball
  • A 1,000 squre metre gymnasium
  • Physical integration with the school
  • Community facilities and multi-purpose spaces for community use
  • Team and umpire change rooms
  • Tournament Office
  • Foyer/Reception
  • Management Office
  • Café/lounge

Its integration with Wurun Senior Campus’ two courts will enable shared use of the courts to create a seven-court facility outside of school hours.

The new sports centre forms part of the Victorian Government’s vision for the Fitzroy Gasworks Precinct to create a new neighbourhood in the inner north that will eventually be home to around 1,000 families. 

Precinct wide

The site is located at 433 Smith Street, North Fitzroy and is bordered by Alexandra Parade to the south, Smith Street to the east, Queens Parade to the north and George Street to the west. 

  • The Fitzroy Gasworks site offers a unique opportunity to bring together four diverse surrounding suburbs – Fitzroy, Collingwood, Fitzroy North and Clifton Hill.
  • Responding to community feedback, a shared vision was created which will deliver an iconic urban village that includes approximately 1200 apartments, including 20% affordable housing, new housing, a senior high school, a sports centre and public open space.

The site is made up of four precincts, The Sports Centre and School precinct, affordable housing (Parcel A) and Parcels B and C comprising of approximately 800 apartments, retail, flexible commercial tenancies, and a hotel. A Registration of Interest (ROI) process in March/April 2022 assessed developer interest for Parcels B and C only.


The Development Plan for Fitzroy Gasworks was approved in September 2022. The approved Development Plan outlines the planning controls, policy objectives and outcomes that will guide the design and construction of the site. This includes approximately 1,200 apartments, 20% of which will be Affordable Housing, approximately 8.7% of the site to be offered as public open space, two bicycle spaces per dwelling, the Valve House retention and enhancement and much more. Read the Development Plan here.

  • Fitzroy Gasworks will deliver 20% affordable housing. 
  • To achieve the delivery of affordable housing, the Development Plan includes an emphasis on building one and two-bedroom apartments, a priority on housing that is affordable to rent in the long-term, wider housing affordability measures that reduce the costs of living and apartments designed for increased adaptability and accessibility.  

The Development Plan Overlay sets out a series of height controls. This includes a maximum of 10 storeys across the site, with peripheral interface set-backs ranging from 4 to 6 storeys along Smith Street and Queens Parade. 

The Development Plan Overlay required a minimum of 8% public open space and the aim is to deliver approximately 8.7% public open space, with additional private open space to be delivered within private developments, which will be publicly accessible. 

The Valve House will be retained and enhanced as a significant heritage element for the site. 

  • Fitzroy Gasworks aims to deliver best practice sustainable design, benefiting future residents and the local community. Sustainability at Fitzroy Gasworks includes a focus on measures that will lead to costs of living benefits such as energy and water conservation, waste management and transport solutions.
  • The plans for the site have achieved the internationally recognised 6 Star Green Star Communities rating. Green Star Communities focuses on liveable, healthy places and recognises quality of design, construction and operations for sustainable buildings and fit outs. 


Fitzroy Gasworks will be a pedestrian-priority neighbourhood. The new internal road will be a shared street, with slow traffic speeds and will be safe for pedestrians.  Fitzroy Gasworks will promote cycling as a preferred transport method for the community, with bicycle parking throughout the site. The planned shared streets – for pedestrians and cyclists – will encourage slower speeds to ensure it is a shared space. 

We anticipate almost 170 direct jobs over the next 10 years, with a further 566 jobs created via the supply chain (i.e., sub-contractors and suppliers). 

Construction for the broader precinct (Parcel B and C) is expected to commence in 2024, subject to change.   

Submit your email details via the registration tab here.

Sports Centre Car Park proposal

Development Victoria is constructing a new car park within the Alexandra Parade median strip between Smith Street and George Street to meet the future parking needs of the Bundha Sports Centre.

The car park will help alleviate parking congestion on local streets and improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists accessing the sports centre.

Approximately 79 new car parking spaces will be provided.

Parking restrictions and/or ticketing will be at the discretion of Council as the car park operator.

Accessible parking spaces for the Bundha Sports Centre will be available on Gore Street and Queens Parade.

Due to the recent remediation of the Bundha Sports Centre site, the delivery of underground car parking was not a practical option.

Yes, but we want to minimise traffic impacts and ensure pedestrians and cyclists remain safe. The new car park on the Alexandra Parade median strip is designed to reduce parking in surrounding streets.

Vehicles will be able to enter and exit the car park from both the Eastbound and Westbound carriageways of Alexandra Pde. New turning lanes will be constructed to minimise impacts to traffic on Alexandra Parade from vehicles entering the car park.

The proposed pedestrian access would be via existing safe footpaths and signalised pedestrian crossings at Smith Street and George Street.

Yes. Several trees require removal due to poor health and risks to public safety, and several trees require removal to facilitate the car park construction works. A total of nine trees are required to be removed.

The trees required to be removed are not categorised as significant. A tree is deemed significant if it is individually listed or included in a group of trees within Council's Significant Tree Register.

The carparking bays will be constructed using a permeable pavement which will allow surface water to infiltrate into the ground. This not only maximises the amount of water reaching the roots of nearby trees, but also helps reduce stormwater runoff from the car park.

Some works to construct the car park will impact traffic on Alexandra Parade. Any impacts will be communicated once final approvals are obtained from the Department of Transport and Planning.

In August 2023, Development Victoria consulted with the local community about the proposal in August through a short online survey and two pop up sessions.

Development Victoria is currently preparing the necessary documentation to satisfy the conditions of the approved planning permit.

In parallel, Development Victoria is finalising approvals with Department of Transport and Planning and Melbourne Water.

Construction works will commence once all authority approvals are obtained, likely to be mid 2025.

Updated on 28 January 2025