Key details
Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country
Policy objective
Urban renewal
The final stage of Cairnlea - remediation underway
Cairnlea is a long-term project for Development Victoria, situated 16 km north-west of the Melbourne CBD on the site of the former Albion Explosives Factory - a Commonwealth Department of Defence facility that operated from the early 1940s until the 1980s.
In the 1990s, Development Victoria (then VicUrban) entered into an agreement with the Department of Defence to remediate the site and deliver housing and open space.
Over the last 20 years we successfully transformed the site into Cairnlea, a thriving award-winning new suburb. Most of the site has been developed, with 3,100 homes, a town centre, and almost a third of the area devoted to public open space and grassland reserves.
We’re now planning for the final stage of Cairnlea, to regenerate the remaining 41 hectares along Cairnlea Drive and Ballarat Road. Our vision is to create more diverse and affordable homes and a network of open spaces, complemented by a variety of neighbourhood services. Remediation is now underway, find out more.
16km from Melbourne CBD
20-minute neighbourhood principles
Affordable housing options
Green open spaces
- Development of Cairnlea began which included remediation and the construction of 3,100 homes, open spaces and a grassland reserves.
- Community engagement led by Development Victoria - you can read the community engagement survey results.
- Lodged Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) application to rezone the site to a Comprehensive Development Zone
- Virtual community information session held - watch the recording
- Public exhibition for Planning Scheme Amendment managed by Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
- Planning and approvals, subject to change.
- Remediation to commence.
- Construction expected to commence, subject to change.
Affordable housing
Delivering diverse and affordable homes
We’re committed to making our state a great place to live - for everyone.
We know that buying a home close to work, school and services is out of reach for many Victorians, particularly in Melbourne. Prices have risen dramatically over several decades, and now people are struggling to break into the housing market or find a rental property that meets their needs.
That’s why we are developing communities built on diversity, offering homes of varying size and prices to cater for different lifestyles and budgets.
For the final stage of Cairnlea, we’re aiming to deliver affordable housing options to create a diverse neighbourhood across age groups, lifestyles and families.
Affordable housing is housing for people on moderate or lower incomes (incomes ranging up to about $154,410* for families) that is priced so that they can also meet their living costs.
Find out more about how we’re delivering housing diversity and affordability in our June 2022 update or here.
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The site is bordered by the M80, Ballarat Road and Cairnlea Drive.
Development Victoria acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the Traditional Custodians of the land now named Cairnlea.
Who to contact about this project
To join the Cairnlea project mailing list, register at the top of this page, or email your details to or call 03 8317 3400.
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Our vision for the final stage of Cairnlea
We want to regenerate the site to deliver a range of homes and a network of open spaces that are complemented by a variety of neighbourhood services. The design will be strongly influenced by forward-thinking and environmentally focused initiatives to help create a vibrant and sustainable community.
Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) update
In 2021, we lodged a proposed Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) to rezone the site to a Comprehensive Development Zone (CDZ). The Planning Scheme Amendment was referred by the Minister for Planning to the Government Land Standing Advisory Committee for review. The Committee ran a public exhibition phase, which ran for six weeks from the end of February 2022.
View the exhibition docs and find out more about the next steps.
The Committee ran a 12-day Public Hearing in June 2022 and has now prepared a report for the Planning Minister to consider. Development Victoria would like to thank everyone who presented to the Committee and those who provided a written submission for consideration during the process.
The Planning Scheme Amendment Proposal
The amendment will allow the site to be developed to its full potential, with community benefits including a local centre at the heart of the new neighbourhood and more homes at affordable prices.
We will also be able to provide more green spaces. Gateway Hill will become an iconic public space with a kick-about, water-play space, an amphitheatre, and a playground at the foot of the hill. Pedestrian pathways will lead to a lookout at the top with views to Mount Dandenong, Mount Cottrell and Melbourne’s CBD.
The draft Comprehensive Development Plan to the left demonstrates how the site is proposed to be developed, featuring walking and bike paths, residential areas, road reserves, parks and much more. Read the community fact sheet to find out more.
Community engagement to date
In April 2020 you let us know your views and aspirations for the new neighbourhood through a survey. You can read the summary survey results. Your feedback – along with a range of technical investigations – has been used to inform the planning scheme amendment proposal.
In September 2021, we hosted an online information session. You can watch the video and read the community updates on our resources page.
Future community engagement
We’re committed to working closely with the community to help shape the final stage of Cairnlea. We will provide further opportunities to shape the project in 2023. Register your details to stay informed.
For more information
Phone: 1800 783 668
Overview of remediation
To ensure the Cairnlea site is suitable for residential homes, Development Victoria is undertaking further remediation to achieve the highest Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) standards.
The site requires remediation due to previous industrial use of the land, primarily from the explosives factory operated by the Department of Defence, and contains demolition rubble stockpiled from the development of the greater Cairnlea Estate to the north and west.
Remediation will deliver a cleaner, safer and more sustainable environment for the Cairnlea community.
Development Victoria has appointed Enviro Pacific to manage remediation of the area in accordance with strict regulations on environmental and health and safety requirements, stipulated by the EPA. At this stage, works are expected to commence in December 2024 and finish in December 2025.
If you have a question about the remediation process, you can email us at
For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below.
Figure 1: Map of works area indicated in orange
No works will be undertaken at the Reid Street site, Gateway Hill or the smaller portion of land on the western side of Cairnlea Drive.
Expected timing
We expect work to follow the program below, some tasks may take longer and extended periods of wet weather may impact timelines.
Remediation timeline
Site investigation and establishment.
Excavation and stockpiling of soil.
Offsite disposal of waste.
Completion of Remediation.
Remediation FAQs
Remediation is required to deliver a cleaner, safer and more sustainable environment due to its former use as an explosives factory, and to prepare the site for future use.
Remediation will involve the removal of affected soil. The soil will be taken offsite via direct excavation to a waste facility, or it will be cleaned up on site using bio-remediation processes.
Works are expected to commence in late 2024 and be completed by December 2025.
The land is zoned for residential use and should be remediated to a suitable standard for future homes. Development Victoria is committed to ensuring the final stage of Cairnlea is safe for future residential development regardless of the decision made through the Planning Scheme Amendment process.
As remediation works are not associated with the current Planning Scheme Amendment process, they can commence now that relevant remediation approvals have been granted.
As Development Victoria has successfully transformed Cairnlea into a thriving suburb over the past 20 years, we believe it is our responsibility to safely deliver these important works to ensure the site is suitable for residential development.
Yes. As the suburb of Cairnlea has been progressively developed (from the late 1990s), the areas where affected soil were present were safely remediated to a safe standard for the proposed land use. This included previous remediation of this site in 2001 managed by Development Victoria to enable commercial use. These works ensured there is no risk from its former land use as an Explosives Factory.
In the original Cairnlea Master Plan, developed in the 1990s, this final stage of development (the current Cairnlea Project site) was originally planned to be a business precinct. A higher standard of remediation is required for residential land uses versus commercial land uses.
EnviroPacific has been engaged to undertake the remediation works on behalf of Development Victoria. With over 20 years’ experience, EnviroPacific has delivered some of Victoria’s most significant environmental remediation projects including the recent Fitzroy Gasworks Remediation, and Tottenham Warehouse Fire Clean-Up.
We also have engaged Environmental Engineers who have developed the remediation strategy for the site. They will be supervising and validating the remediation works undertaken by EnviroPacific.
A representative from Tetra Tech Coffey will be the independent, Environment Protection Authority (EPA) accredited Environmental Auditor for the works.
Significant investigations have been undertaken at the site and have identified the following primary contaminants present on the site due to its historical use as an Explosives Factory:
- demolition rubble
- asbestos (non-friable)
- polyaromatic hydrocarbons (chemicals produced during the incomplete burning of fuels, waste, or other organic substances)
- metals
- nitroaromatics (organic material commonly used in explosives).
Remediation activities on site will include:
- excavation of selected areas of soil
- removal of soil from site in covered trucks
- stockpiling of soil on site for treatment.
You will see large trucks and excavation equipment on site. The remediation contractor will also establish several temporary site sheds on the site.
The environmental impacts of the works will be actively managed and monitored through the implementation of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
The EMP will outline the controls to be put in place and in general will cover the below elements:
- Land disturbance including erosion and sediment control devices;
- Stockpile management including the use of tarpaulins, as required;
- Dust and odour control during excavation, stockpiling and truck loading works;
- Asbestos management, including monitoring of any potential airborne fibres will be managed by an independent hygienist in line with WorkSafe requirements. Note that our investigations show no friable asbestos products have been identified on site;
- Management and control of noise and vibration during operating hours;
- Air quality during excavation, stockpiling and truck loading works; and
- Keeping the site secure and clean of litter.
If you have questions about these works you can call 03 8317 3400 or email
The Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) is Victoria’s environmental regulator, responsible for ensuring remediation is undertaken in accordance with strict regulations of the Environment Protection Act 2017.
An Environmental Auditor has been appointed to undertake an independent review of the condition of the site and form an opinion and audit report regarding its suitability for residential development.
Find out more on the EPA website .
The remediation has been designed on the basis that no ongoing management will be required after the remediation works have been completed.
However, if any ongoing management is necessary, the Environmental Audit will identify this and outline any requirements that must be implanted as part of the statutory Environmental Audit for that area.
Yes, you can. The remediation plan is developed so residents can safely use the land for common activities like growing vegetables and digging a garden.
Trees will not be removed during remediation activities unless absolutely necessary. In accordance with our Planning Permit, any trees that are removed will be offered to a conservation management organisation.
No, any threatened grass species or habitat for Striped Legless Lizard on site will not be impacted by the remediation. The remediation works will be located away from threatened species habitat and will be fenced.
Yes, the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) publishes Audit Reports on its website. You can access Environmental Audit Reports and supporting documents which outline the current contamination status of the site prior to further assessment, remediation and validation works planned for 2024-25 to support the future use.
They include information on:
- Contaminant types.
- Areas and depths of contaminants.
- Post remediation sampling results.
- Ongoing monitoring and management requirements.
For more information contact the EPA on 1300 372 842 (1300 EPA VIC) or
In the 1990s, Development Victoria, then VicUrban, entered into an agreement with the Commonwealth Department of Defence to acquire, remediate and progressively develop the original Albion Explosives site.
Over the last 20 years, we successfully transformed it into the suburb of Cairnlea.
Cairnlea has a shopping centre (supermarket plus 33 outlets), a community centre, a recreation reserve, two kindergartens and a primary school.
The first lots were sold in 1999, and by 2012 most had been built on, with the only large vacant areas a proposed business precinct near the Ring Road (now the final stage of Cairnlea) and land reserved for a secondary college.
The Cairnlea master plan was revised in 2013-14 and in response to community feedback, was updated to provide more land for new homes in the final stage of Cairnlea.
In September 2016, the Minister for Planning approved Amendment C120 to the Brimbank Planning Scheme, which rezoned the final stage of Cairnlea for residential use, public open spaces and a small area to facilitate commercial uses.
What we have delivered in Cairnlea
- Over 3,100 homes
- An extensive storm water harvesting and recycling scheme, with the potential to save up to 160,000 kilolitres of potable water per year
- Regenerated streams and creek systems that support increased bird and aquatic life
- Remnant grasslands integrated into the design of the estate
- Boardwalks, parklands and picnic areas
- Sports grounds
- Cycling and walking tracks
- Cairnlea received the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects Land Management in Landscape Architecture award in 2008.
- The Cairnlea redevelopment demonstrates how an environmentally degraded site can be transformed via land management techniques, and regenerated into a new residential development.
- Cairnlea was also the site of the Ecohome project, a collaboration between VicUrban, RMIT and Metricon Homes, which aimed to demonstrate the application of environmental principles for individual home owners
Community updates
- Cairnlea Community Update - December 2024 English and Cantonese (廣東話) PDF, 5.5 mb
- Cairnlea Community Update - December 2024 English and Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) PDF, 5.3 mb
- Cainlea Community Update - June 2022 in English PDF, 1.0 mb
- Cairnlea Community Update - December 2021 in English PDF, 281.7 kb
- Cairnlea Community Update - December 2021 in Arabic (عربى) PDF, 280.8 kb
- Cairnlea Community Update - December 2021 in Cantonese (廣東話) PDF, 331.5 kb
- Cairnlea Community Update - December 2021 in Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) PDF, 279.5 kb
- Cairnlea Community Update - August 2021 in English PDF, 1.7 mb
- Cairnlea Community Update - August 2021 in Arabic (عربى) PDF, 3.6 mb
- Cairnlea Community Update - August 2021 in Cantonese (廣東話) PDF, 430.4 kb
- Cairnlea Community Update - August 2021 in Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) PDF, 394.1 kb
- Cairnlea Community Update - April 2020 in English PDF, 1.2 mb
- Cairnlea Community Update - April 2020 in Arabic (عربى) PDF, 1.1 mb
- Cairnlea Community Update - April 2020 in Cantonese (廣東話) PDF, 820.4 kb
- Cairnlea Community Update - April 2020 in Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt) PDF, 925.7 kb
Online information sessions
- Cairnlea - Community e-mail November 2024 PDF, 665.5 kb
- Cairnlea Community Information Session Presentation – Planning Scheme Amendment C222 PDF, 5.7 mb
- Cairnlea - FAQ of Remediation - December 2021 PDF, 356.9 kb
- Cairnlea - FAQs - November 2021 PDF, 156.9 kb
- Cairnlea - Presentation for Community Information Session - September 2021 PDF, 5.1 mb
- Cairnlea - Summary of Community Engagement Findings 2020 PDF, 358.8 kb
Useful links
Updated on 04 February 2025